Thursday, August 12, 2010

Kraft Homestyle Mac & Cheese Possible Free Coupon

If you have a Kraft First Taste account (free to join) log in to see if you've got a coupon for a free Kraft Homestyle Macaroni & Cheese or a $1 coupon. I didn't. I think it's because I didn't fill out the product survey after getting those 6 free coupons a couple months ago. My guess is that you have to give them feedback if you want to keep getting offers. While you're on that page, look in the lower left corner for info about the Capri Sun 100% Fun House Party and the Kraft Homestyle Comfort Food House Party. You can apply if you are interested. If you are accepted for the Homestyle House Party, you'll receive Mac & Cheese dinners, a Pyrex glass baking dish, saucepan with lid and mixing spoon, coupons, socks, plates and napkins. Wow, nice.

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