Thursday, April 7, 2011

Extreme Couponing Fallout. What's Your Opinion?

Many readers saw last night's Extreme Couponing show. It reaffirmed my original thoughts that the purpose of the show is to exploit bizarre off-the-wall behavior and to gain ratings. The show won't end couponing. It won't even make a dent in that. But what it will do is put a damper on double and triple coupons, and create new rules to limit couponers. One long term danger is the ultimate effect of creating thousands of new dedicated couponers when store shelves are already wiped out the first day of sales. Any given area can only 'support' so many serious couponers. When there are too many, everyone gets frustrated at stripped shelves. Really, the best case scenario for anyone is to be one of only a few people with a full coupon file in your zip code.  Of course only a small percent of those viewing the show will go hog wild. But thousands of new people will become dead serious about getting free stuff. What are your thoughts? Do you agree with this article?

1 comment:

mamapld said...

I totally agree with the end of the article about none of these sad folks ( but one in the first episode) stopping by a food pantry on the way home from getting their haul( which leaves the rest of us "normal" couponers with no stock to pick from on the shelves). I LOVE couponing, do well but most of my mini haul goes to food pantry, senior service and the military. Nothing is said about the folks who strip shelves at midnight then sell it all online or the streeet corner for profit...Would love to see that one profiled!