Monday, November 1, 2010

RiteAid Black Friday Heads Up

Thanks Tracy S, VA, for this preview look at the RiteAid Black Friday ad:

Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion $2.99 - $2UP = 99¢, - $1 printable

Got2B Haircare $4.99 - $4.99 SCR, - $2 (AY Oct) - $1 (RP 8/1)

Gillette-Satin Care Shave $1.99 - $1UP = 99¢,

Noxzema Disposable Razors $3.99 - $3SCR,

Hershey's Pot of Gold $3.99 - $2UP = $1.99,

Cottonelle $1.88 - $1UP = 88¢, - .50 printable

Candy Bars 2 for $1 - $1UP,

Bounty Basic 77¢, - .50 (PG 10/31) - $1 (RP 10/17)

Xtra Detergent $1.77,

Colgate Total Advanced TP $1.77 - $1UP = 77¢,  - .75 (AY Oct)
There's a total of 63 decent deals...

1 comment:

Judie said...

Is this for this Fri, or the Fri after Thanksgiving?