Sunday, July 25, 2010

RiteAid: Free Nivea Body Wash + Profit

We have a new WOW post. Linda B, CA, is getting an extra month added to her subscription for this post with excellent info about the RiteAid deals that start today for most of us:

"RiteAid (7/24/2010 6:07:28 PM):  Here are some tips for the upcoming week at RiteAid - the ad starts Friday here so I've already done several transactions.
The $4/2 Nivea coupon (in Michelle's updates) scans fine on the $1.99 men's bodywash and gives multiple UP rewards in one transaction.
The Reach toothbrush also gives multiple UP rewards. I got 2 in order to use a B1G1F coupon and a $1/1 coupon and got 2 UP rewards.
The Colgate toothpaste does NOT give multiple UP rewards. I bought a couple in one transaction and only got one UP reward. I bought the Total because I had $1 coupons. I'm guessing the other "flavors" won't give
multiple UP rewards either."  Linda B. B, CA  

I'm bumping this post up in light of this new info ---

Here is the link to the $4/2 Nivea printable. It says Buy 2 Get $4 Off Nivea body products (8.4 oz or larger).  Use it next week at RiteAid when Nivea for Men body wash will be $1.99 - $1 Up Reward. Each coupon has the potential of netting you 2 free bottles, plus two Up Rewards. You can print the $4/2 coupon twice here is the link since it's a bricks. If it all works out next week, you will net 4 free bottles and 4 $1 Up Rewards.
Here is a link
for $3/2 coupon that says
body wash. Buy 2 bottles, use the $3/2 coupon, pay .98 + tax out of pocket and get a $1 Up Reward =
2 free bottles.


Mama Bee said...

Thank you so much for the link with my family of 6 I can never have to much body wash especially when it's FREE!

Pam M said...

Great post! This will help when I make my RiteAid list for the week.