"RiteAid (7/24/2010 6:07:28 PM): Here are some tips for the upcoming week at RiteAid - the ad starts Friday here so I've already done several transactions.
The $4/2 Nivea coupon (in Michelle's updates) scans fine on the $1.99 men's bodywash and gives multiple UP rewards in one transaction.
The Reach toothbrush also gives multiple UP rewards. I got 2 in order to use a B1G1F coupon and a $1/1 coupon and got 2 UP rewards.
The Colgate toothpaste does NOT give multiple UP rewards. I bought a couple in one transaction and only got one UP reward. I bought the Total because I had $1 coupons. I'm guessing the other "flavors" won't give
multiple UP rewards either." Linda B. B, CA
I'm bumping this post up in light of this new info ---
Here is the link to the $4/2 Nivea printable. It says Buy 2 Get $4 Off Nivea body products (8.4 oz or larger). Use it next week at RiteAid when Nivea for Men body wash will be $1.99 - $1 Up Reward. Each coupon has the potential of netting you 2 free bottles, plus two Up Rewards. You can print the $4/2 coupon twice here is the link since it's a bricks. If it all works out next week, you will net 4 free bottles and 4 $1 Up Rewards.
Here is a link for $3/2 coupon that says
body wash. Buy 2 bottles, use the $3/2 coupon, pay .98 + tax out of pocket and get a $1 Up Reward = 2 free bottles.
Here is a link for $3/2 coupon that says
body wash. Buy 2 bottles, use the $3/2 coupon, pay .98 + tax out of pocket and get a $1 Up Reward = 2 free bottles.
Thank you so much for the link with my family of 6 I can never have to much body wash especially when it's FREE!
Great post! This will help when I make my RiteAid list for the week.
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