Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New P&G Coupon Wording, Now Limit 4 Like Coupons

I'm sorry to confirm that P&G coupons, as of the September insert coming Sunday, have new wording. "Limit one coupon per purchase of products and quantities stated. Limit of 4 like coupons in same shopping trip. Coupons not authorized if purchasing products for resale.
The real change is the limit of 4 like coupons. Of course, that is per shopping trip, but it does slow down folks who buy lots of papers or coupons from a service and want to use them all in the same week. It's noteworthy that the print is so tiny it's next to impossible to read. Whether it will be noticed by checkers is doubtful. It's possible that P&G may pressure retailers to program registers so that they beep if you go over 4 like P&G coupons -- that's supposition on my part. It's also possible that other big
manufacturers will follow suit since P&G is the top dog.
Also: All coupons are in both English and Spanish. Because so much more text needs to fit on a small coupon, the print is very very tiny. I went cross-eyed trying to read all the size restrictions on the Venus Disposable razor $2 coupon. You can see the list of P&G coupons coming Sunday at

1 comment:

KimH said...

Honestly, there are very few times that I'll use more than 4 P&G coupons in one transaction anyways.
Yes its a pain for sure.. maybe it'll slip by them for a while.. like forever. ;) Very few cashiers actually read the wording on the coupons anyways..