Monday, September 13, 2010

Uncrustables Daily Coupon Giveaway = 12,500 Free Boxes

Starts TODAY: At noon EDT, submit an organizational tip for moms or dads on and you'll receive a coupon for a
free 4 pack of Smucker's Uncrustables ($3 value).

You have to be one of the first 500. This will go on everyday for 30 days, until 12,500 coupons have been awarded. It must be under 200 words, one win per household. Here is the schedule for free coupon giveaways:

Monday (today) noon EDT
Tuesday 6 am EDT
Wednesday 4 pm EDT
Thursday 6 am EDT
Friday noon EDT
Saturday 2 pm EDT
Sunday 9 pm EDT

(Little Pet Peeve -- The East Coast is currently on Daylight Savings Time, as is most of the rest of the country.
Eastern Daylight Time = EDT.
Eastern Standard Time = EST.
We don't switch back to Standard Time until early November) 

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