Friday, January 15, 2010

Free Fish Food

SAVE $2.00Print a $2 coupon on Wardley Advanced fish food, then use it at Walmart or Petsmart to get it
for free. To find it fast,
go here, then click on 'pet' in the left column. By the way, I have to tell you a fish story. When Jordan was about 5, he went to a friend's house for a little backyard fair, and won a goldfish. Being the animal lover that I am, we bought a $4 fish bowl and some colored gravel, and put the fish on his dresser. That darn fish lived for about 5 years! Guess who cleaned the bowl? It was such a smelly job that I'd put it off and put it off until the green started creepy up the side. But the goldfish thrived. Once when Jordan's friend Howie was going on vacation, Howie's mother brought over a fish bowl with a few guppies for us to babysit. She was adamant that the water had to be changed every day, which I reluctantly did, but was very glad when they got home. She told me later that Howie's fish just kept dying and had to be replaced all the time. I told her the trick is to only change the water when green stuff appears, but she had it in her head that the fish needed new water every day or they wouldn't have enough oxygen. Oh well, I tried. Moral of the story -- get the free fish food above, then wait for the first signs of green to change the water. Well, on second thought, only follow that advice if you want the goldfish to live 5 years. Or get a real tank with a filter so it doesn't have to be cleaned at all.

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