Thursday, December 15, 2016

Guaranteed Christmas Delivery and 50% Off Toys

Zulily normally has fairly slow shipping since they order from a manufacturer, then send the order to you, taking about 2 weeks. But right now they have lots of toys in stock, ready to mail today, with guaranteed Christmas delivery. Two days ago I did an order of stocking stuffers. It shipped yesterday and is tracking to be delivered tomorrow. So you can feel confident in ordering last minute gifts marked with the red package icon: . I think Zulily has upped their game to compete with Target, Amazon, etc., for fast delivery this time of year. But this only applies to the items with the package icon. 

Go to Zulily, then click on the above picture at the top of the homepage. You can choose your age group. There are lots of popular toys. I grabbed a Shopkins toy this morning that was 1/2 price. I guess Shopkins is popular this year. I asked Chloe what she wanted for Christmas and was told "Shopkins pink truck". Silly me had almost no knowledge of "Shopkins" so I'm now noticing Shopkins. 


Here are two ways to save on shipping at Zulily.

1) Sign up at Zulily for Visa Checkout and get free shipping on two orders. Visa Checkout is used on many websites now.

2) Regular shipping on one item is $5.95 at Zulily. If you order 2 items it's $6.95, three items is $7.95. Order just one item by itself and pay $5.95 for shipping. The rest of the day you get free shipping on any order, so you can get any number of additional items for the original $5.95 shipping cost.  It's a calendar day, not a 24-hr day. So if you order now, you'll get free shipping until midnight tonight. It doesn't carry over to the next day.

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