Next week at Walgreens, starting 6/16, there will be freebies on Colgate Total, Fiber Smart, Kios DS, H+ Care Hemorrhoid Cream, plus four more good deals on Reach, Speed Stick, U by Kotex, and Right Guard
Reach Floss or toothbrushes $2.99
- $2 RR
- $1 What to do for Cold & Flu booklet
- $1/2 printable
FP ala free
Fiber Smart Clear Fiber $9.99
- $9.99 RR
- $2 (S 3/10) (S 4/21)
FP free + profit
Kios DS Upset Stomasch Relief $7
- $7 RR
FP free
H+ Care Hemorrhoid Cream $7
- $7 RR
FP free
Colgate Total Toothpaste 4 oz $3
- $2.50 RR
- .50 (S 6/16)
- $1, - .75
FP free + profit
Kotex B1G50% off 1
- .50, - $2/2, - $1/2 (S 6/16)
Speed Stick or Lady Speed Stick $1.99
- $1 (S 6/16)
FP .99
Right Guard Antip/Deo B1G1F
- $2 (RP 6/16) -- use two
- $2, - $2/2