Thursday, July 14, 2016

50% Off Photobooks at Shutterfly

Get 50% off a photobook at Shutterfly with code MYFAVES (7/19) The code is good for 50% off the first 20-pg hard photo cover book. The code also works as follows:

40% off photo gifts/home decor/statement gifts
30% off everything else

I love photobooks! They are such a great way to preserve memories, and you can always order extra copies in the future to give to kids leaving home, grandparents, etc. The book stays in your Shutterfly account forever. On your next vacation, make a point of taking tons of pictures with the goal of creating a memory book that will be treasured.
If you already have a bunch of pictures, upload them to Shutterfly and then choose from 3 options:

* Custom Path -- use their templates but move the pictures around and change backgrounds, layouts and embellishments. Add captions. Books start at $15.99

* Simple Path - upload your pictures and they will be placed automatically in a photobook. You can rearrange or add captions. Books start at $15.99

* Make My Book - Skilled designers will take your uploaded pictures and create the entire book, which you review and approve before ordering. There's a service fee that applies when you order.


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