Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Organix Hair & Skin Class Action Suit -- $28 Payout To All Users

There's a class action suit in progress against Organix hair and skin products. If you bought any Organix product on or after Oct 25, 2008, you are entitled to a refund. You'll receive $4 for each product purchased up to $28. There is a $6.5 million fund that will be dispersed.
Fill out a form here. It asks for your NAZ, and to fill in the number of products purchased. That's it. No receipts required.
www.hairCareSettlement.com Must respond by 3/17/14.
The class action alleges that the products are not totally organic.
Organix has had a lot of Try-Me-Free hangtags over the years, so there's a good chance that most refunders bought it at least once.

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