Tuesday, March 30, 2010

PopTarts Free Movie Ticket and Tidbits

PopTarts has a new rewards program. Read about it here. You have to find specially marked packages with a 16 digit code printed inside the box. Enter 5 codes from different SMPs to earn a reward. You are allowed only one code from each flavor. Prizes are: 2 Boxes of PopTarts, 25 photos from Snapfish, 5 music downloads, 1 movie ticket to $12, 1 magazine subscription. They want you to try all 25 different flavors of PopTarts. Maximum 5 prizes per person. You have until 9/29/11 to enter codes -- that's a year and a half so there is plenty of time to look for the SMPs. If you only like one or two flavors of PopTarts, you could trade your codes for ones from other flavors.

Even if the RiteAid Wellness Rewards Program hasn't officially started in your area, register now and get your card. Most RiteAids are accepting the card now and you can start accumulating points and print the
coupons. The current coupons expire 4/3. You can print some here. ($4/$20, $2 Skin care, $3 electronics)

The Dove Shampoo RR is no longer rolling at Walgreens.

Print a B1G1F coupon on Velveeta Shells & Cheese Cup to $1.30
Polaner Sugar Free with Fiber Preserves and Jellies $1 - Print both here:

BestDealMagazines Deal of the Day. One year subscriptions. Use code REFCENTS15 to get an extra 15% off:
3/30 Every Day With Rachael Ray $6.29, with code $5.25

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