Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cheap Vitamins and $25 Profit

Those doing the RiteAid Nature Bounty Deal will want to look at the top DealDiva4 picture and story
from Nicole Edwards. It shows her transactions and how she paid $4.91 for a slew of vitamins, and will get a $25 RiteAid gift card.

"I did the Nature Bounty Deal at Riteaid this morning.

1st order -
2 - Women's Multi 45+ Vitamins - $10.59 (BOGO)
2 - Evening Primrose - $9.99 (BOGO)
2 - Cod Liver Oil - $4.99 (BOGO)
Used a $5/$20 Riteaid Coupon, 3 - $5 Nature Bounty Coupon, 1 - $3 Nature Bounty Coupon, and 1 - $2 Nature Bounty Coupon.
Total was .57 cents - Paid $2.01 after taxes

2nd Order -
2 - Cranberry Vitamins - $10.49 (BOGO)
2 - Vitamin D - $4.99 (BOGO)
2 - Vitamin C - $9.99 (BOGO)
Used a $5/$20 Riteaid Coupon, 3 - $5 Nature Bounty Coupon, 2 - $2 Nature Bounty Coupon.
Total was $1.47 - Paid $2.90 after Taxes.

I will also get back a $25 Riteaid GC for purchasing $50 worth of participating items.   I also got 14 more game pieces for the Game of Life promo they have going on. I love this hobby!!  Here is a picture of my 6 week old with my purchases.  Never to young to start couponing :)" Nicole Edwards


Julene said...

I just did this deal and I can't find the rebate that goes with it. Do you know the rebate #? Thanks!

Unknown said...

It's an offer provided by the makers to promote the products. When selecting the vitamin supplements person has to take suggestion or he has to consult the physician to take a opinion about the products. It is good for his good health only. Vitamin supplements are the good supplements for the people to get the higher nutrients requires by the human body.